Thursday 19 May 2011

Welcomes and Goodbyes at the Academy

Royal visitor.
It is not often that a member of the Royal Family chooses to visit a school, so it was with immense pride that I was able to welcome HRH, the Duchess of Gloucester, to Drapers' Academy earlier this month.

The Duchess was very keen to hear about the plans for the future and see the progress on the new school buildings. However, her greatest pleasure was in meeting and talking with our pupils.

The Duchess remarked that Drapers' Academy provided an inspirational atmosphere and that the pupils and staff were clearly proud. And I couldn't agree more.

Goodbye... but not yet!
It was time to say goodbye to Year 11 who went on study leave last Wedneday. How wonderful you may think... however, they were back in class on Thursday!

The leaving was a ceremonial act and marked the start of the GCSE season. We have high hopes for all our pupils and wish each and every one of them success.

Hello and welcome.
A number of appointments have been made at the school recently, with ever growing interest in working at Drapers' Academy. This positive shift means that competition is strong for places and that only the best are chosen.

West Ham - gone but not for long.
It was sad to see the relegation of West Ham. They are an old fashionned football club that have always tried to play football on the deck.

I am of course dreading Sunday, when my beloved Blackburn Rovers are facing a real threat of relegation. As a nervous supporter away from the ground, I will busy myself watching a ballet performance. My middle daughter, Sally, is a butterfly ... obviously !

And finally...
My Dad always said, its not about doing the job you like, but liking the job you do.

I must be very lucky ... as I love my job!!